
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Missing U Card

M is away on a dental school externship and in 6 years of marriage, we've never been apart for longer than a week and a half. We'll have been apart 6 weeks when he gets back.

But don't you worry.... I won't lead this post into a sappy sob story. I've always enjoyed my independence (married and unmarried), but I will say that I sure miss him.

Sure, I tell him on the phone, but I thought it'd be fun for him to receive a little package from home and a homemade card.

This was handstamped, but your computer can do a close look-alike if you don't have the stamps. Just download a typewriter font.

Here's a few of my favorites: (all free)
Traveling Typewriter
Anther Typewriter
DaFont Collection

While writing for Love Actually, I received many emails from girls looking for ideas for their long-distance or military relationship.

Here's one to add to the queue.


  1. Aww hang in there Cher! My husband has to travel for business every two weeks and it can be rather lonely at times. However, it does you plenty of time to get your craft on!

  2. certainly does! And, I feel a lot less inclined to put on make-up. or get dressed. which is nice. haha...wait, maybe that isn't a good thing!
