
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Youth Standards Night: "Regrettios" Theme

The young men's president in our ward and I planned this Standards Night.

....while this night is probably the least looked-forward-to activity of the year, we figure that any activity with food is worthwhile for the youth. So...we told them we were providing dinner. :)

And we did. And surprisingly, they LOVED Spaghettios and garlic bread for dinner.

Our theme was "Regrettios"

These free & printable labels for the cans came from MormonShare. They were a smaller size than the current Spaghettios cans so the cans were covered in white paper then the labels. Take a closer look...these labels are genius!
Here's the outline for the evening...

During the Strength of Youth Presentation, we split up the topics we wanted to focus on and presented them in various ways (to keep their interest as much as possible). We used powerpoint, Q & A session, videos from the youth page of, etc.)

Other than the youth arguing that, in fact, colored mohawks are not inappropriate, we think the night went pretty well.... :)

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