
Sunday, May 6, 2012

YW's Lesson: Personal Records (Man 1, Lesson 19)

This is my lesson plan for YW's Manual 1, Lesson 19: Personal Records

*download by clicking on the downward arrow

I followed the lesson in the manual pretty closely, but adjusted/spruced up a few things...including the presentation of the LONG story (because let's face it...there's no way that my girls would have paid attention long enough to internalize the meaning...even though it's an incredibly touching story)

So, I printed up the "journal" and taped the entries into a blank journal I had... the girls got down on the floor and took turn reading the entries (as if they were the boy and girl in the story, reading the journal on the floor of the farmhouse attic...) 

I was so proud of all of them after the story...they had been thinking about their assigned question and all gave thoughtful answers (since they were prepared to answer, being given the question BEFORE the story). 

Here's the Journal Text that you can cut out and tape into a journal.  (I chose a font that is readable, yet script-like for added effect)

Here are the quotes and question slips I used in the lesson:

It was fast Sunday, so no treats this week... my girls are sweet enough as it is, anyway... so mini pencils were perfect to go along with the lesson!

You can download the JPEG image of the handout below (I printed them in the 3.5 x 5" size - 4 to a page)

...and that was the last YW lesson I will give in my ward in Boston. Sad day for me! :(  I'm kinda hoping I get called to YWs again in Texas. I think maybe I just never grew up so I feel most comfortable in YWs....that's gotta be it. :)


  1. Cher, I've been in YW since Dan & I left our student ward. (With the exception of a stint in RS in Phoenix.) I love it too! It's my favorite place to be.

  2. I hope you get called to YW in Texas! You are so creative and always have the cutest handouts! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow- thanks so much not only for a darling handout, but for the great lesson plans :) I printed them and barely had to tweak anything!

  4. I just found your blog and LOVE IT! I am using the lesson handouts today for my YW class. I have been struggling with how to make this lesson more fun and young :) You have accomplished both of these things perfectly. Thank you!
