
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gold Rush Trading Post

My family had our reunion a month ago in the Black Hills of South Dakota (you know, where Mt. Rushmore is?) This is only a few hours from where I grew up, so it was nice to be closer to home for a few days.

Every year, I do something special for the kids (my nieces and nephew)... it's my attempt to be their favorite aunt, you know? :) 

Last year we planted magic jellybeans and the next day they turned into BIG swirly lollipops. This year, we discovered GOLD in "them there hills!" One Charming Party gave me this super idea and since the Black Hills are known for their gold, I knew it'd be a blast to take the kids gold panning in a stream near our cabin. 

Just look at how fun this was:

 Prior to bringing the kids down to the stream, I had sprinkled the rocks all throughout the stream. I spray painted them the day before with Krylon Metallic Gold.... worked wonders!

 Each kid got a "gold pan" (a black plastic plate from Dollar Tree). They picked the gold pieces out of the stream by hand. 

And when they had picked out every last piece of gold, it was time to trade their gold in for a sweet deal at the Gold Rush Trading Post!

All sorts of gold candy and "rock" candy.
(Miners Nugget Gum, Werthers, Haribo Gold Bears, Yellow Starbursts, mini Twix, Rolos, Gold coins, Pop Rocks, candy rocks, mini Reese's peanut butter cups, Brach's butter rum royals) 

Each kid had to turn in one gold nugget to get a Gold Rush bag (those cute little burlap/jute bags that I picked up at The Container Store). I simply stapled the Gold Rush label/paper onto the bags...I figured the kids would either lose the bags in a day or two anyway, so why go to the expense and extra work of printing onto the bags?)

Look at my niece's face in this picture... (on the left, standing up with the pink shirt). haha....classic! I think she was first to notice when I opened the chest. 

They each proudly showed me how many gold nuggets they got and I made an offer they couldn't refuse... a full bag of goodies PLUS they got to keep their gold!

The kids were tickled over their loot... 

It was a fun little activity to keep the kids busy! For more ideas, be sure to check out One Charming Party to see how she did a few details differently! 

I thought I'd include a download to my Trading Post sign... it's all yours! Just click the downward arrow. 


  1. That is seriously one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Oh my gosh Cher! For sure you are the favorite Aunt. You will make one awesome mom some day! I need your cuteness to rub off on me... why hasn't it yet?!

  2. How could you NOT be the favorite aunt after that?

  3. Just found your blog on Pinterest. LOVE it!!
    I'm from South Dakota :)

  4. Hi Cher,

    I am not able to find the arrow to print the sign and or the lable for the bags. Is there a special place it may be located?
    Thank you so much.
