Oh, hello!
Let's just knock out the big questions right now, shall we?

You might have seen some of my work (what am I? an artist? who else talks like that?) over at Love, Actually --- a very themed blog that didn't allow me much freedom to post about anything else besides love! Don't get me wrong, I love love, but I have lots of other loves, too. (Sorry M.) That brings me here... a place to post about "Life. Design.and the Pursuit of Craftiness." Oooh, I like the sound of that!

I like to dabble and delight in this and that...and when it's successful, I'll post about it. But I have no schedule for these sort of things. When inspiration hits, you'll know about it.

I love finding fun ideas on blogs, facebook, pinterest, etc... from people willing to take the time to put it out there! I'm really glad people do that! ..so, when I feel I have something to contribute, I don't want to keep it to myself! I think that's why. I'll let you know if I discover another reason.